Friday 8 July 2011

The Low Down On Video Production

These days corporate video production has upped the ante, continuing to capture the hearts and minds of the viewer and making cherished movie moments last. Perhaps even a lifetime. As a result the video production industry is rapidly growing and becoming increasingly successful. In fact, the industry offers various businesses valuable services that have a positive impact on not only their corporate image but their bank balances too. So, if you consider yourself a business fundi perhaps its time you invest in video production. It could be your answer to phenomenal success. And, If it weren't for the constant upgrade of technology, we would still be stuck in the era of silent movies. Imagine being consumed in a black and white world, having to read text at the speed of light, trying to catch up with the story line. If film technology had not evolved, who knows perhaps reading marathons would have been a serious sport. However 'bleak' the medium was at one point it has always been a magical and more importantly revolutionary advancement. Inevitably what was known back then certainly had a significant role to play in the technology we are accustomed to today. Only this time round film/video technology is sophisticated and sharper. Although one must admit that silent movies bore a unique charm. Charlie Chaplin wouldn't quite be Charlie, if he was clad in full-blown color, now would he?
There's research to back it up. It's been proven that potential customers are 72% more likely to purchase a product or service when video production is used. They also make their buying decisions faster. 89% of consumers will view a video the same day it is received, and 94% will pass the video tape/cd/dvd along to a friend or relative. Moreover, response rates for video production promotions are 6 times greater than those for printed direct mail. It's also a well-known fact in industry circles that Video production is more cost effective than any other generic medium. Are you convinced yet?
Nevertheless, what exactly does video production entail? And, more importantly, how does the technology help lucrative industries, as well as lesser known businesses achieve greater success? The notion is fairly simple really, but firstly, one needs to acknowledge that it takes specialised skill and professional know-how to generate maximum use of the medium.
In a nutshell, production companies create videos for a wide range of demands, anything from safety videos for use in corporate environments and medical training videos for teaching purposes. An increasing amount of clients are using the medium in a wide range of commercial and government functions as well. Keep in mind that video is a highly visual media. Most companies need help in areas such as selling, training, promotion, public relations and safety. A well-executed, quality video can do wonders as far as showing potential investors the scope of your business, product or idea. How does it all come together? A video production company takes a brief, produces scripts, liaises with the client and puts a production team together. Notably experts range from camera staff to make-up artists. A classic team usually consists of a director, actors, lighting specialist, and other equipment specialists. The film is shot and initial footage is put on broadcast quality tapes, edited and presented to the customer in a draft, or guide form. Sound tracks, visual effects etc, are added in and the final video is presented to the client.
Clients have the luxury of viewing video material on a range of new devices.
Video production companies can evaluate which medium works best for an individual client. This is of great importance since a properly structured video can make all the difference to the way a movie is portrayed, or how ads on television are viewed by the consumer. Of course, the budget and benefits will dictate which services a client can use and will consider using.
Companies offer a varied selection of services such as high quality TV Ads, corporate films, promotional programmes and some even go as far as producing 3d animation. Video production companies also offer their clients various options and services such as film internal business conferences, video for websites, streaming video and customer testimonials. The advancement in video technology allows production companies to up their game, offering their clients specialist services. For example, high definition digital video technology which enable companies to do a sterling job of recording, editing, and special effects, multimedia and digital audio. They can also provide OB or outside broadcast units for larger projects. By incorporating the latest digital technology, these production companies are able to supply their clients with moving images that can be easily distributed on video cassette, the internet and CD or DVD.
For newbie's' who are not completely clued up on what certain services involve, let's shed some light on the unknown. 
Streaming for instance, involves putting a client's video and audio on the internet or intranet: all formats: Real Video, QuickTime. Windows Media. MP3, broadcasting (live webcasting).This means that video and audio can be compressed and file sizes are kept to a minimum and yet retain the remarkable quality. The video appears clean and without over-pixilated and audio can be of CD or MP3 quality. On the other hand, Special FX for example has to do with a multitude of computer generated techniques which produces moving images that will otherwise be too costly or impossible to film using conventional methods. The techniques usually used include blue screen filming or chromakeying, for compositing video with staged or animated backgrounds and foregrounds. Video material and 3d animation are combined to create stunning camera tracks and virtual reality sets. Virtual products and scenes can be animated. Post production, a general term for all stages of production occurring after the actual recording and ending with the completed record, film or video, which involves, editing the picture and soundtrack, writing and recording the soundtrack music, adding visual special effects etcetera, fortunately come standard.
Amongst other money-spinning industries, advertising agencies use video production companies extensively. Ad agencies generate ideas that appeal to a target audience to buy into a lifestyle or brand. Video production companies make these ideas come to life. A production company's input affects the advertising concept in a great way, since the video production execution can either make or break the advertising concept. Needless to say, the relationship between video production companies and advertising agencies has come a long way - the industries certainly have a close and strong bond, working hand in hand to achieve mutual success. According to recent research, television is still the lead advertising media. It is also said that television advertising is the most influencing factor on a consumers spending behavior. Television has greater penetration and builds coverage quicker than any other medium. This proves that the video production industry has a significant contribution to make.
Clearly, video production companies are linked to a variety of industries. In particular, the impressive state that the film industry finds itself in further proves that the video production industry is thriving. The proof is certainly in the pudding.
According 'Film London' an organisation that supports film and media production development in the UK, London is the third busiest filming production centre in the world, behind Los Angeles and New York. Apparently, in 2005 there were over 12,600 shooting days in London, on average almost 35 crews were shooting in the capital every single day of the year; this was an increase of 18% from 2004. Furthermore, Westminster was the capital's most filmed borough with 2,231 shooting days in 2005. The next most filmed boroughs are The Corporation of London, Lambeth, Camden and Southwark. Of the top 15 grossing films of the last decade, no fewer than five were made in and around London. Bridget Jones: Edge of Reason, which shot extensively on location in London was rated as the third highest grossing film in the UK in 2004. London's screen industries had a turnover of £13.6 billion and a total expenditure of £10.4 billion during 2002. As you would expect, creative industries are the fastest growing sector in London, worth £21 billion a year. It has been predicted that the industry will be the fastest source of new jobs over the next five years. Two thirds of all permanent jobs in the industry are based in London. The film industry has 71,500 permanent jobs in London, plus 2.4 million due to freelancers, an estimated 90,000 people in total. Which amounts to 73 per cent of all UK post-production activity. London is home to over 60 film festivals, including Europe's largest public film festival, The Times bfi London Film Festival. 
At the rate that video production is going, it'll be interesting to see what the future holds for this industry, and the technology itself. There was a time when movies with sound seemed impossible, until 'talkies set the movie world ablaze. And, of course color was unheard of, until the first motion picture, an eight-minute movie filmed in Brighton titled 'A Visit to the Seaside', which was trade shown in September 1908, appeared on screen.
'Live pictures' give clients an amazing power to tell engaging, involving stories that can sway a consumers choice and change perceptions, affecting both reason and emotions. At its best, video has a very real impact on the way potential consumers view the world. It creates an impression, influences a mood, and displays things in a way that helps your target audience to gain a fresh understanding about a specific topic, and more importantly your product.

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